october 12, 2020 - october 18, 2020 highlights

- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle is the type of person who, when buying things, just buys it. he sees something he likes, he buys. and after buying it, he doesn't shop around but goes straight home.
- chenle once was looking to buy a microwave and when he saw the first one he bought it immediately, but turns out it was an oven. so he gave it to an uncle he knows.
TUESDAY, 201013
- daily program & topic : music wave
- chenle says he wants to try rapping and wants to work with mark and taeyong. he also said he's never had a proper rap part except for ridin.
- his favorite song from nct 2020: resonance pt.1 is dancing in the rain
- daily program & topic : random chart
- chenle says that his favorite season used to be winter but as he grows older, his body gets weaker so now his favorite season is summer.
- chenle likes slow songs / ballads a lot because he is an emotional person.
THURSDAY, 201015
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (my favorite autumn dish)
- chenle's favourite autumn scenery is maple leaves
- chenle doesn't like pumpkin
- chenle loves crab but he is allergic to it when he drinks alcohol with crab
- chenle's favorite seafood is abalone and his family really likes eating steamed fish
- chenle likes to make corn carrot ribs soup at home
- to relax, chenle usually plays basketball and watches tv shows
- chenle watches 下一站是幸福 (find yourself) a chinese romantic drama starring victoria song, and his favourite character jiu jiu (the uncle). he has finished watching it but he plans on rewatching it.
FRIDAY, 201016
- daily program & topic : idol dairy (idols you think will do great at mukbang shows)
- for today's prize winners, chenle will look for people who diss him instead of give him praises because he thinks it's more special that way.
- the dish chenle made that he's most proud of is sichuan boiled spicy pork 水煮肉片
- chenle has watched 'the green book' and he ate kfc while watching it
- chenle doesn't mind sweet stuff as long as it's not too sweet, lately he doesn't add sugar in his coffee
- when chenle was younger he liked milk powder but now he likes pure milk
- chenle wants to try doing a mukbang
SATURDAY, 201017
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle listened to jay chou a lot growing up
- the memory of childhood chenle misses the most was when he used to play and and have fun w the kids in his neighbourhood after kindergarten
- chenle's song rec: bridge over troubled water by josh groban & brian mcknight it's a song that his dad recommended to him from david foster and friends' concert
- chenle said he really admires people who speak english very well
- to chenle, mark is someone who will always be by his side whenever he's very sad and tired, play with him, walk with him out of the unhappiness
SUNDAY, 201018
- daily program & topic : hidden ost (lucid dream; inception)
- a memorable dream chenle had was in kindergarten, he had a nightmare where he woke up at home and the sky turned red (kind of like an animation) like it was doomsday, he hid behind the sofa w his mum, suddenly a very big dragon flew from the sky. the dragon breathed fire and it seemed like it was looking for chenle. for the first time chenle got so scared that he didn't want to go to kindergarten even though he's never missed a day of school before.
- 'inception' is one of chenle's favorite movies. his first time watching it was when he was young with his dad because the movie came out in 2010. at the time, he didn’t understand it at all, but recently he watched it again and from then on, he was completely pulled in.
- his favorite scene from 'inception' is the ending
- chenle believes in 'inception', cobb had already returned to the real world at the end.
- chenle really likes the movie 'catch me if you can', the scenes between dicaprio and the policeman were very hilarious

october 19, 2020 - october 25, 2020 highlights

- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- at his house chenle's mum put up a lot of pictures of him and mark, so when other dreamies come and see the pics they get jealous
- chenle has no tips on how to focus more because when he really wants to do something well, he’ll put all his focus into it. but if its something he has no interest in, even hitting him wont get him to focus on it.
- chenle said it's better to do things first, if you find out the reason after then that's good, if not then just take it as a learning experience
- when making friends, chenle doesn't like things to be awkward so he’ll take the initiative to talk to the other person if he meets someone for the first time.
- the reason behind why chenle's korean improved so fast, is because he talks a lot to korean members
TUESDAY, 201020
- daily program & topic : music wave
- at home, chenle's older brother's nickname is chenchen and his own nickname is lele but everytime his mok calls him she'll call him chenchen instead so he's used to people calling him the wrong nickname
- chenle said if his grandchildren gave him a song as a present, he'd be very touched
- daily program & topic : random chart
- chenle hasn't cried since 2016. it's not that he's holding back his sadness or trying to look strong or anything like that, it's just that the tears just don't come out. he still feels sad, but no matter how sad he is, he just has no tears.
- an instance that chenle was especially touched by fans was during the nct dream concert
- chenle knows that he has a lot of mom fans
- chenle also acknowledges that he updates and interacts with fans a lot less than other members
THURSDAY, 201022
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the most extreme challenge you've ever done)
- chenle isn't afraid of anything excepf ghosts ! he's terrified of ghosts and can't watch horror movies
- when chenle watches ghost movies, he would use a pillow to cover the tv and he would only watch it through the small corner of the tv, and he would scream whenever the bgm gets scary
- chenle screams whenever he gets scared
- nct dream has a group chat that has lee sooman in it, and one that doesn't. one time, haechan accidentally sent a lot of texts to the group chat with lee sooman instead of the one without, and one of the members immediately told him about it and he deleted it as fast as he could before lee sooman could see it.
FRIDAY, 201023
- daily program & topic : idol diary (my idol's autumn song)
- chenle tends to get a bit melancholic when autumn comes around
- chenle doesn't have any specific songs to listen to during a particular season, he just listens to whatever he wants
- chenle has difficulty waking up especially during the cold seasons and he has to mentally prepare before getting up and prepare for the day
- chenle's nose is stuffy every morning and when it's stuffy he'd get annoyed / get into a bad mood and he starts remembering other bad things that make his mood bad too
- chenle has never secretly had a crush on anyone
- chenle doesn't really care about his birthday because he thinks he should be most grateful to his mom since she gave birth to him, so he should be congratulating his mom instead of himself
SATURDAY, 201024
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle can't stay still or calm down so he's not the type of person who can just make a cup of tea and read a book in his free time
- chenle doesn't really blatantly tell people when he misses them, he usually just asks / texts them "what are you doing?" or "what have you been up to?"
- chenle really liked to study and didn't feel pressured in school, and his results weren't "that bad" (this was his way of being humble because according to him, we can't just expose our full potential)
- chenle said back when he was in school he would often invite his friends over to his house after school, they would do homework, eat, and play together, and chenle also said he's always been quite popular
- chenle misses his school days sometimes and he still keeps in touch with his school friends once in a while
- chenle's song rec: 齊秦 - 夜夜夜夜
SUNDAY, 201025
- daily program & topic : hidden ost (late autumn; the shawshank redemption)
- chenle has watched the shawshank redemption countless times
- chenle's favorite part from the movie "the shawshank redemption" is when the character opened a library for the prison and managed to play music for the whole prison
- chenle has watched a lot of movies with morgan freeman in it

october 26, 2020 - november 1, 2020 highlights

MONDAY, 201026
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- when chenle moved to korea, his parents came with him and lived in korea with him so he didn't have to struggle with loneliness.
- when chenle has troubles with procrastinating doing homework, he treats it as a fun / interesting to do to overcome the laziness.
- chenle doesn't like homework that requires copying because he thinks "just... why", so he usually finishes those types of homework the fastest.
- chenle prefers homework questions that need brain power like math bc he feels very smart and accomplished after being able to answer the questions.
- when two of chenle's friends that he introduced to each other ended up being closer to each other than to him, he doesn't really care and prefers to focus more on his friendship with each of the two people.
- chenle likes to repeat doing things until he gets bored of them. for example, he would go to the same restaurant over and over again / eat the same food over again until he wants to vomit when eating the food, and he would watch the same tv shows / movies until he can recite every line because he always finds something new every time he watches it again, and the same thing goes for songs, he likes to repeat the same songs that he likes.
TUESDAY, 201027
- daily program & topic : music wave
- chenle prefers a more casual radio and he wants to do viewable radio with jinyong
- chenle knows the song "say so" by doja cat but he didn't know the title of the song until today
- daily program & topic : random chart
- chenle wants to dress up as an idol for this year's halloween
- chenle used to go trick or treating in halloween's eve when he was younger
- chenle spent a total of 5 hours preparing his look as pennywise back in sm's 2018 halloween party and he prepared his costume personally
THURSDAY, 201029
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the most extreme challenge you've ever done)
- chenle has yet to get rid of his wisdom tooth
- chenle said he's been reading/watching something lately that says technology will be more developed in the future and that house prices will fall in the future
- chenle is not afraid of cockroaches, but he feels that they are dirty so he doesn't wanna touch them and doesn't want them to climb on him. he uses slippers to smash cockroaches.
- chenle is afraid of spiders because he has seen documentaries where people get bitten by spiders and die.
- chenle likes to ride rollercoasters and wants to try challenging things like skydiving, paragliding, and bungee jumping
- chenle has experienced airplane turbulence before so whenever he's about to take off he would usually let his most important people know like "i'm going to a plane, bye-bye", so that in case something happens, at least he has greeted / informed them, and then he would sleep on the plane so that time flies fast.
- the longest flight chenle has ever been in is a 33-hour flight to chile
- chenle usually only showers once a day to save water
- daily program & topic : idol diary (my idol's autumn song)
- this is the day chenle found out that caoli jiejie and longjun are dating
- yesterday chenle dreamed about his secondary school life and thought of his friends, then he specially went to contact them one by one today to ask them what they're doing now
- chenle said he's like the summer season not only because he's warm and enthusiastic but also because his body is always hot unless he's in a really really cold place
so basically chenle sent his own letter to akdong seoul about his favorite idol and the akdong seoul team actually chose his letter to be read on 201030, so below is the content of chenle's letter.
at first chenle didn't understand anything about basketball but in 2015 he and his classmates watched the finals between the cleveland cavaliers and golden state warriors, and at that time the only basketball player he knew was lebron james. so to pretend that he knows basketball, he said that james would win because he's a strong player. but instead, warriors won. so he asked his friends who the best player in the warriors team is and they said stephen curry. he then thought, "wow, he must be so incredible to be able to win against james!" so ever since then, chenle started following basketball to watch curry play. the moment that really made chenle a big fan was during a game between the golden state warriors and the oklahoma city thunders on february 27, 2016. warriors was falling behind but curry didn't give up and kept trying to chase the score. and then at the very last seconds, he shot a 3-pointer from very far away (half court), and ended the game.
chenle then said, "my admiration for him is like a rapidly flowing river, it’s endless. haha. therefore i’ve supported my idol up till now. because i find him very hardworking and confident, from the start when he was an athlete who wasn’t thought highly of, up till now when he has become a superstar! it’s really really not easy, and very encouraging. so i want to play “loving you forever” by guo fucheng!"
(translations by @squishyychenle)
SATURDAY, 201031
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle said even though he maintains an optimistic / hardworking attitude, sometimes he also feels very lonely. and he solves it by encouraging himself be more optimistic.
- mark is like a little brother to chenle and chenle treats him like a younger brother. he wants to have a younger brother / son like mark.
- chenle believes that because of the fans' power, nct dream was able to keep their 7-member lineup and have the graduation system eradicated and become fixed unit.
- chenle's song rec: you're gonna live forever in me by john mayer. he thinks that it's a soothing song that still has a touch of sadness to it


october 26, 2020 - november 1, 2020 highlights

SUNDAY, 201101
- daily program & topic : hidden ost (exit; the amazing spider-man 2)
- chenle has been to escape rooms 2-3 when he was in china and he had just went to one in korea two days ago (201030)
- chenle really likes 'the amazing spider-man 2', especially the ending where gwen stacy died. he even cried watching it.
- chenle also really likes 'la la land' and he can play one of the songs ("mia and sebastian's theme") on piano.

november 2, 2020 - november 8, 2020 highlights

MONDAY, 201102
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle's favorite colors are dark blue and grey
- he might be able to dye his hair grey
- before chenle turns 20, the one thing he wants to complete is to travel with his members
- chenle said he thinks one has grown up when you're able to take on responsibility and live independently.
- chenle believes that our fate and whatever we will face is predestined / fixed.
- chenle and his brother rarely every get into fights because his brother is 13 years older than him.
- chenle said if he was an older sibling and his younger sibling fought back, he would fight back even harder except if the younger sibling starts crying.
- when chenle just debuted, he used to never look at his schedules because he didn't understand it. but then he realized it shouldn't be that way and started preparing before going to schedules.
- chenle used to have a very good friend whom he was close with from elementary up until high school but when he moved to korea they drifted apart and they can't talk about everything anymore nowadays and now it just feels awkward between them.
- daily program & topic : music wave
- chenle's first word is "baba" (papa / father)
- chenle has never really listened to andy lau's songs but his parents always talk about how incredible he is
- daily program & topic : random chart
- one embarrassing moment for chenle was that during a live when everyone was playing games, he was eating bossam and cida at the table beside and as he hate, he burped really loudly.
- chenle finds bicycles to be romantic because he remembers how his dad would ride a bicycle and chenle would sit at the back while holding onto his dad's shoulder. chenle found it very comfortable because the wind would blow past them. once they rode past some potholes and he flew out of the bike, but he was completely fine and yet his dad broke his ribs.
- when chenle was younger he was afraid of fierce people.
THURSDAY, 201105
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (tips on saving tips)
- back in elementary school, chenle was the class captain from 1st grade until 4th grade. but then in 5th grade, he didn't get chosen. he was really upset and cried alone in the toilet. then he used other ways and succeeded so in 5th grade there were two captains.
- chenle's tip for saving water is by not showering but he showered today
- when chenle walks through the han river he would see plastic bottles and he'd think "this is not it" and he would pick them up
- chenle made prawn head soup for the chinese members the other day and they really loved it
- chenle wants to buy a secondhand car one day
- in chenle's house, when showering and they're waiting for the hot water to come out of the showerhead, they would use a pail / bucket to collect the cold water
FRIDAY, 201106
- daily program & topic : idol diary
- chenle's tummy is allegedly chocolate-shaped
- chenle said that when he's joking then he's joking, but when he's serious he'll be very serious and when he's having important conversations he can be serious
- chenle said that he's thought about how he would be like in 10 years time but he doesn't really stress over it and he'll just take it naturally
- chenle is a sentimental person and he likes listening to emotional songs and songs that have atmosphere, and he usually focuses more on the melody. but recently he's been paying attention to the lyrics too.
SATURDAY, 201107
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle's first dream job was to be a soldier and work at the people's liberation army, his second dream job was to be a doctor because at that time, he used to watch healthy living programs every night and learn how to be healthy with his mom
- chenle heard the song "年轻的战场" by 张杰 and he really likes the song
- chenle thinks he's very narcissistic and he loves himself so much
- chenle's dad introduced chenle to the song "hey jude" by the beatles when he was young and he thinks it's really nice
- chenle watched a lot of korean dramas like goblin (도깨비) but he's recently been more into movies. his favorite drama is legend of the blue sea (푸른 바다의 전설).
- chenle's song rec: 袖手旁观 by 张宇. he thinks that the singer's voice suits the song so much because it gives off a sad vibe and this song is very sad so he thinks the song and the singer's voice can melt together. chenle rarely feels sad when listening to songs but this song makes him sad, and he rarely reads the lyrics of songs but for this one, he read it and the lyrics makes him sad too.
SUNDAY, 201108
- daily program & topic : hidden ost (jeon woo-chi: the taoist wizard; captain america: civil war)
- when chenle was 13, he starred in a film and the film only took three weeks to shoot
- if chenle could be given a superpower, he would want the superpower to be teleportation
- captain america is also one of chenle's most favorite heroes. he doesn't really have a superpower and only has his shield and was injected with super soldier serum but his true superpower is the toughness of his heart, righteousness and spirit of perseverance.
- chenle's favorite captain america movie is the second one
- chenle has watched all the movies in the marvel cinematic universe so many times that he can remember every scene. he thinks the storyline is well done and very interesting, and everything goes really well together.
- chenle has bought marvel merch before and he owns a mjölnir (thor's hammer) and captain america's vibranium shield at home

november 9, 2020 - november 15, 2020 highlights

MONDAY, 201109
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- when chenle was young, whenever he was doing shots or attending programs, he never put on makeup and was always barefaced. and when he was taking pictures, he would just do whatever the photographer told him to do. it was like he "didn't have any soul".
- when doing radio, chenle rarely uses his headphones but now he wants to be like a real dj and wear the headphones so he can hear his own voice.
- chenle is very confident in the dishes he cooks and he's also very interested in learning how to cook.
- chenle says that his mentality isn't as good as people think. if he has prepared for something 100%, he wouldn't be nervous. but if he hasn't prepared for it, he would be nervous but he wouldn't show it. for example, for a stage, if he has memorized everything and is 100% confident about it, he wouldn't be nervous, but if there's a part he doesn't really remember, he'd be nervous, but he absolutely won't show it.
- during isac pubg, when he was one of the only two people left, he was very nervous that his legs and hands were shaking. the same thing happens when he plays pubg with his friends and he's one of the only few people left.
TUESDAY, 201110
- daily program & topic : music wave
- when chenle was young, he used to always be so excited about his birthday. he would invite his family, friends, classmates and have a party. as he grows older, he slowly forgets when his birthday is.
- the thing chenle looks most forward to in winter is snow falling because he really likes snow
- daily program & topic : random chart
- when chenle was in middle school, he ran 1km. he thought it was fun and his mood was great because he was fast at running.
- chenle has tried drinking alone and he said that drinking alone makes it easier to get drunk.
- chenle has eaten outside alone many times but he's never watched a movie at the cinema alone.
- chenle has a huge projector in his room on the head of his bed so every night he would just lie there and watch a movie. he can watch up to 3 movies a night.
- chenle has never travelled alone, he would always travel with his mom or friends.
- chenle lost his wallet a few days ago. he kept pictures of him and his members that they took in a photobooth in his wallet.
THURSDAY, 201112
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (tips on saving things)
- when chenle covered for renjun for a week during renra, he used to keep the scripts but now he doesn't
- when eating food, chenle's nose runs a lot and he sweats a lot so he has to use a lot of tissues. and he doesn't like using handkerchiefs.
- chenle is an impulsive buyer but he rarely shops, but he would buy whatever he finds interesting without thinking if he'd use the item or not. so in his house, there are many things chenle has bought impulsively just sitting around.
- chenle hasn't turned on his heater at home because he's too lazy, and even though he can just tell his mom to turn it on for him, he's also too lazy to talk to his mom about it, so he just kind of deals with it.
- chenle's old clothes usually goes to his nephew, he can't wear his brother's old clothes because they're 13 years apart and they have different sizes.
- chenle's recent purchase is cat food that he bought for a stray cat downstairs his house. but after giving the cat cat food once, it never came back.
- chenle used to sell his own albums during his school's flea market events, which is an event in which students would sell their stuff and the money earned gets donated. he used to really like those events and would bring a lot of money to school.
FRIDAY, 201113
- daily program & topic : idol diary (idol's personal talents)
- chenle can imitate the sound of a peacock
- chenle said he can make his arm go around and touch his bellybutton
- some interesting talents chenle have include drinking water quickly, reading tongue twisters and voice imitation
SATURDAY, 201114
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- when chenle is in a bad mood, he would either sleep or listen to songs that will "heal" him. he also enjoys listening to background music from movies.
- chenle is a relaxed student, he wasn't the type to constantly do homework or revise. for exams, he would only revise when he thinks he needs to.
- chenle used to only pay attention to the melody in songs but now he's starting to look at the lyrics and the deeper meaning, or what emotions the singer is trying to show.
- at first chenle thought that he didn't necessarily need to be super great at korean, as long as he can use it and be proactive then it's fine. but turns out he managed to learn korean just fine. he believes that the key to learning another language is by talking to people who are fluent in that language, and by not being afraid to make mistakes.
- chenle's song rec: autumn leaves - eric clapton. chenle really likes this song because it has really nice vibes especially if you're listening to it with an earpiece while walking on a small road in autumn
SUNDAY, 201115
- daily program & topic : hidden ost (goodbye mr. loser; love actually)
- chenle's favorite scene from the film "goodbye mr. loser" is when the character woke up from his sleep and learned that he has to appreciate things so he would always go around hugging ma dongmei.
- chenle likes how in the film "love, actually", every pair of couples have their own points that make them touching and interesting

november 16, 2020 - november 22, 2020 highlights

MONDAY, 201116
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- when he was little, chenle's dream used to change every day. his most outrageous, unreachable dream was to be a mathematician.
- chenle doesn't get angry easily but when he needs to be strict he can be strict. he thinks this is how it is for mark too. they can be crazy and high when it's time to be like that but they can focus and be strict when they need to.
- back then, chenle's mom would keep feeding chenle's brother and telling him to quickly eat, but when it comes to chenle, she would only say "if you don't want to eat, then don't eat. but if you're hungry, don't find me. if you don't want to, then don't eat!" so chenle would just obediently eat his food.
- chenle's mom used to tell him not to think about students who don't take things seriously because at some point they will realize that they are failing and that their grades are dropping and it will make them start taking things seriously.
- when chenle plays games like pubg he doesn't need a rival and he would be fine if he plays with a team of 4 and the 3 other people don't know how to play, because he's that good.
- chenle believes that the fear of heights is a heart / mind reaction because if you bring someone who has a fear of heights to the 100th level of a building blindfolded and just let them stand there, they won't be afraid because they don't know. but if they know, they'd be afraid.
TUESDAY, 201117
- daily program & topic : music wave
- chenle's song rec: try - asher book
- chenle thinks that having a field of study / major is like having a base / foundation. if you don't have any other choices, then you can just do your major. if you're interested in something, you can try doing that thing. but if you end up not being good at that thing, you can simply go back to your major.
- daily program & topic : random chart
- chenle thinks that the first half of the year went by really slowly meanwhile the second half went by really fast
- chenle doesn't take a long time to prepare because he just puts on some clothes and goes out
- even though chenle is very efficient, he does things really really slowly. he can spend up to two hours eating because he likes to watch dramas or movies while eating. he also enjoys watching dramas and movies while showering so it can take him up to an hour to shower.
- chenle goes to bed late
- chenle drinks a glass of wine every night with his mom and when the vibe starts to get nice, he would play the piano and would play it up to 1 hour. but his house is soundproof so he doesn't need to worry about disturbing the neighbors.
- coffee makes chenle sleepier. in 2014 when he watched the world cup, he drank coffee to stay up and watch the games but ended up sleeping anyways. tea, on the other hand, is able to keep him awake. when he was young, he drank one sip of tea at 4pm and was able to stay up until 2am.
- when chenle was young, he wanted to write in a diary so he bought one but he ended up never touching it again.
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the most touching gift you've ever received)
- chenle already bought a new wallet
- from next week onwards, kun would be the guest dj every thursday!
- when chenle was young, for his birthday, his mom would throw him a birthday party and invite clowns to make cute-shaped balloons and do magic tricks. he would invite his friends and classmates and they would all eat delicious food and have a lot of fun.
- chenle once went to a nursing home and prepared a meal for the people there. the grandma treated him like her own grandson, telling him to do good, be well, take care of his body, eat more, etc. chenle felt really touched. all the people there kept telling them stories about their own children and grandchildren and it made chenle feel sad. so ever since then, he was determined to make his parents and grandparents happy and treat them well.
FRIDAY, 201120
- daily program & topic : idol diary (idol's personal talents)
- chenle's tip to make his iconic chenle ramen taste nicer: put two eggs in it
- the last time chenle played basketball, he twisted his ankle.
- in elementary school, chenle's math wasn't good. but in middle school, it became good because he liked the teacher and he started liking math. chenle likes geometry because when he succeeds in proofs it makes him feel accomplished.
- chenle was the math representative in school
- longjun challenged chenle to multiply 3678 by 5788, and chenle was actually able to answer with 21.809.180 which is pretty close to the right answer which is 21.288.264
SATURDAY, 201121
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle's birthday wish is for nct to do well on their year-end stages, and his long-term wish is to become more mature and steady because right now he feels that he is still very noisy and messy. he knows that being lively is good but sometimes being too lively can be a problem too.
- when chenle was young, his mom used to always come with him to his activities, and even when he came to korea she followed him too. he's a lot closer to his mom because his dad was also always working. he used to tell everything to his mom but as he grew older, he doesn't share as much because he feels that he should handle things on his own or his mom wouldn't understand him. he also said that he can already guess what his mom's responses would be.
- chenle still stays in contact with his closest friends from school but as time goes by they don't talk as much.
- chenle's song rec: perfect - one direction. chenle said he really likes this song because it's a hype song and whenever the dreamies are in the car together, they would sing this song from start to finish and it would feel like a concert.
SUNDAY, 201122
- daily program & topic : hidden ost (forrest gump; bicentennial man)
- chenle likes both of the movies they're talking about today, forrest gump and bicentennial man
- chenle really admires tom hanks and has watched several of his movies recently
- chenle likes the forrest gump soundtrack
- his favorite scene from forrest gump is when forrest and jenny reunites because he thinks it's shocking and touching at the same time
- chenle knows / remembers every scene in bicentennial man

november 23, 2020 - november 29, 2020 highlights

- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle didn't tell his birthday wishes to anyone. no one knows what he wished for.
- chenle thinks that sometimes he's impatient to his mom, and he knows that it's wrong that he's like that. so his solution for listener's problem is to reflect on themselves and think about the parents who have raised them and taught them everything, and what the parents have done for them.
- chenle thinks that every child needs to reflect on themselves because when our parents nag at us, it's for our own good, so we should treat our family well.
- when chenle recently lost his wallet, he lost his bank cards, id card, money, and his squad "life 4 cut" photobooth pic that he took with his "5 girl besties" squad. this squad possibly consists of chenle, taeil, haechan, mark, and jungwoo.
- kun gifted him a wallet with "CL" printed on it for his birthday.
TUESDAY, 201124
- daily program & topic : music wave
- if given the chance, chenle wants to go to space because in movies they always say that earth looks very pretty from space so he wants to see it for himself
- if chenle could stand on the moon and listen to a song, the song he chooses is nct dream's we go up. but he would listen to any song, because the songyou listen to in space will definitely be a special song.
- daily program & topic : random chart
- chenle just learned the term "지못미" (jimomi) which is short for "sorry for not being able to protect you"
- chenle thinks he has a talent in slangs because in his mind he would think of a word and turn it into a slang
THURSDAY, 201126
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the most touching gift you've ever received)
- when chenle misses his hometown, he would catch up with his family through video call and ask them about what they've been up to recently.
- kun gives chenle birthday presents every year. he gave chenle 2 hats previously and he wore the first hat for a year but the second hat is a bit small so he just keeps it.
- chenle wants to try pulling pranks on a member's birthday
- chenle's new wallet is black
- originally chenle isn't the type of person who gets mad easily
FRIDAY, 201127
- daily program & topic : idol diary (idols that host well)
- when chenle comes to work, he's usually tired. but once the mic is on and he starts talking to the guest, he would feel motivated and feel alive
- when chenle likes something, it would be very obvious that he likes it, and when he's not interested in something, it's would also be very obvious. he thinks he's extreme and doesn't really have a middle.
- minho from shinee is really nice to chenle whenever he meets chenle. he would come to nct dream's dressing room when they're promoting at the same time, and chenle thinks he's really cool when hosting a program.
SATURDAY, 201128
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- when chenle was young, he sang 蜗牛 (snail) by jay chou for a singing competition he participated in. he chose this song because he knew how to sing it. he's sang this song several times during his predebut days too.
- chenle likes to travel
- chenle pays more attention to the melody than the lyrics when listening to a song
- usually chenle prefers to be cold than warm but nowadays he can't really stand the cold so he prefers to be warm, and he thinks it might be because he's getting older.
- chenle's song rec #1: sound of silence - wang xi, li qi, ju hongchuan (originally by simon & garfunkel). he thinks the song is really good and the three singers harmonize really well
- chenle's song rec #2: 10,000 hours - dan + shay and justin bieber (piano). he thinks the song is really good
SUNDAY, 201129
- daily program & topic : hidden ost (friend; a better tomorrow)
- chenle is very interested in learning korean satoori (regional dialect) because he finds it really charming. he knows one busan satoori phrase.

november 30, 2020 - december 6, 2020 highlights

MONDAY, 201130
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle is absent from akdong seoul today because all nct members are being tested for covid-19 after a member of a group that was on sbs inkigayo yesterday tested positive for covid-19 and nct u was also present at inkigayo.


november 30, 2020 - december 6, 2020 highlights

- daily program & topic : music wave
- chenle's december wish is a secret! just like his birthday wish
- people consider the number 12 to be very special since the chinese words for "friend" and "lover" both have 12 strokes, so chenle is interested in knowing which other words have 12 strokes. "brothers", "family", "baby", "teacher", "wangzhe", "mom", "idiot", "angel", 6 "person", and "for a lifetime" also have 12 strokes. chenle's name 辰乐 also has 12 strokes.
- chenle later on realized that since so many words have 12 strokes, it's not rhat special anymore
- chenle and the nct members really like "monster" by justin bieber
- chenle's most favorite nct 127 song is "simon says"
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (seoul)
- two days ago chenle dreamed of who he thought was his grandpa, but turned out to be someone who just looked like his grandpa. he got emotional and cried really hard and the man asked him why he was crying and he said it was because he looked so much like his grandpa.
- chenle thinks a memorable place in seoul is the han river and the han river park. he likes to go there to play basketball.
- chenle thinks if you come to korea, you must see the night view
- one time when they were filming an mv, everyone was really tired so chenle ordered gopchang (intestines of cattle / pig) and everyone became energized again
- chenle's favorite korean food is 감자탕 (gamja-tang: spicy Korean soup made from the spine or neck bones of a pig) and his second favorite one is barbecue meat
- chenle has tried live octopus
- before coming to korea for nct, chenle once visited korea and watched the nanta show and went on a cruise. it was his birthday back then and it was his mom's idea so he thanked his mom for it.
- chenle was so excited when he got to go to the set of goblin to film an mv because he really likes goblin
THURSDAY, 201203
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (mad detective; the legend of 1900)
- chenle likes rewatching nice movies because he always notices new things on his second, third, and fourth time watching
- chenle's dad recommended the movie "the legend of 1900" a long time ago but he has still never watched it but since he now knows that it's nice, he will watch it tonight
- chenle's song rec: ashes - celine dion
FRIDAY, 201204
- daily program & topic : idol diary (idols that host well)
- chenle feels happy when it snows because he's from shanghai which is in the south and it rarely snows there
- when chenle went to immortal song he felt really nervous
- chenle thinks that key from shinee is very friendly and interesting, and he's also watched key's variety shows before. even though they haven't had that many chances to meet, they met during the smtown concert
- on his way to the radio, chenle called mark but mark didn't pick up so now mark is calling chenle back. chenle pranked mark pretending that it's a live radio and told mark to say hi to the audience
- chenle doesn't know what it feels like to handle mistakes on stage because he's never experienced it before. last year at the year-end awards, nct dream performed with stray kids and everything went very well because they already practiced a lot.
- chenle thinks kwanghee is really nice and he takes care of him and the other members a lot. he also feels very lucky that all of their sunbaes are nice to them.
- chenle has been shopping online a lot recently to buy new things that can make his house nicer and have a better, cozier atmosphere. he says he used to be a sloppy person but he wants to change and he doesn't want to live like that anymore, so now he always tidies things up whenever something is messy, etc. he wants to improve his quality of life.
- chenle realizes that there are so many things you can do every day. you can wake up in the morning, tidy the house, meditate, and have a cup of tea, and then at night, have a glass of red wine accompanied by scented candles.
- however, chenle also thinks that if someone is already satisfied / comfortable with their current self or their current life situation, then it's okay and they don't have to change.
SATURDAY, 201205
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle's mom's name / nickname is lili
- chenle has never eaten tanghulu (traditional chinese snack made out of fruits skewered on bamboo sticks that are coated in a crispy shell of sugar)
- chenle thinks having a friend who will encourage you and truly care about you is a blessing and we should treat them well and keep contact with them because chenle also experienced something like this when he moved to korea and wasn't able to contact his best friend as much as he used to
- chenle said if he was a girl and a guy told him "i might not be able to make you laugh but i can cry with you" (which are lyrics from a song), he would immediately marry that guy
- chenle is very interested in the universe and when he was little he used to go stargazing with his dad
- when chenle was a student, he was a good student, but not too good because he was also mischievous. he was the type to actually focus in class and then never revise at all. he was so focused in class and he was always actively asking questions and answering and giving responses so when he was quiet, the teacher would notice that he wasn't paying attention and would purposely choose him. when that happens, he would just admit that he was staring into space.
- now that chenle can make his own money, he no longer wants to spend his parents money. instead, he wants to use his own money to support his parents because they have worked hard their whole lives and he's already so big so it's time for them to rest and relax.
- chenle's song rec: the blue danube - johann strauss ii
SUNDAY, 201206
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (incident that made me not know whether to laugh or cry)
- chenle once went to the supermarket with his mom and someone told his mom, "your grandson is very cute", but his mom just calmly said "no, he is my son". chenle thinks this is because of the 13 year age gap between him and his brother.
- chenle wants to have a channel in which he can introduce to everyone how his life is because he feels that recently he's become a new person
- chenle just bought a new teapot set and he invited his manager to his apartment to go have tea with him so they ended up drinking tea together
- this morning, when chenle woke up, he meditated for 10 minutes. the friend who taught him all about this is xu minghao (the8) from seventeen. chenle learned a lot from minghao.
- their manager has a figure like ten, and mark and ten are really close and they like to slap each other's butt when they greet each other. so one time, chenle was talking to the manager and all of a sudden mark slapped the manager's butt and even the manager was shocked and it became super awkward and mark apologized.

december 7, 2020 - december 13, 2020 highlights

- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- the last time chenle twisted his ankle, it was twisted outwards and it was when he was playing basketball. he accidentally stepped on a step.
- chenle gets pretty upset if he misplaces something not because of how expensive the thing is but because he's grown feelings for that thing
- when nct dream are hanging out together and mark hangs out with someone else other than chenle, chenle would think, "ah, i don't like it"
- chenle doesn't usually fight with people because he doesn't like fighting so he's usually the type to hold it in. he's the more childish type because after someone fights with him or puts him in a bad mood, he would hold it in and try to find a way to get revenge on that person.
- chenle admits that he's childish and petty and he still remembers how guozhen accidentally called him "ren-d" once
TUESDAY, 201208
- daily program & topic : music wave
- chenle's brother is always so nice to him and he always receives anything chenle says nicely so chenle grew up well
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (shanghai)
- whenever chenle and his mom travels together, they like to go on a tour group because his mom likes to take pictures here, eat there, and just go sightseeing. but when he travels with his mom and dad, they would travel on their own because he and his dad would just lie on their beds and rest at the hotel.
- when chenle went to hainan, his mom got angry because chenle and his dad spent the whole day at the hotel, they just ate and slept at the hotel and went to the beach to lie down again. chenle thinks the hainanese chicken rice at that hotel was delicious.
- chenle thinks that shanghai is more humid than northern china because when he returned from northern china he felt as if his blanket was wet
- chenle suggests to see the night view when you come to 外滩 (the shanghai bund) and if you're tired there are good food around
- whenever chenle video calls with his dad and his dad is eating, his dad would show off his meal to make chenle feel tempted
- there is one very delicious hotpot place where the middle is the soup and the circle outside it is mala bullfrog and more and chenle always goes there when he comes home, and when he comes back to korea he would gain 8kg
- chenle's favorite food in chenghuang temple is 鲜肉小笼包 (pork xiaolongbao) and he likes to go to the place that sells cartoon figurines
- chenle likes to go to places that have an antique vibe because he likes the atmosphere, including a place called 七宝古镇!! (qibao)
- chenle recommended the dish 上海菜饭 (shanghainese vegetable rice) which is basically rice and vegetables cooked together
- chenle prefers savory soya bean curd to sweet soya beancurd
- chenle recommended the amusement park 欢乐谷 (happy valley) which is the place he and jisung went to for chenji this and that
- chenle recommends an interesting restaurant in 田子坊 (tianzifang) where all the food there looks like poop called 便所餐厅 (biansuo canting) and chenle thinks the appearance really had an impact
THURSDAY, 201210
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (a perfect world; the bucket list)
- chenle likes the movies "a perfect world" and "the bucket list"
- chenle has been wanting to watch "the legend of 1900" that his dad has told him to watch many times, and he was planning to watch it last week but something happened and he couldn't watch it
- chenle is really close with his father and their relationship is like one between brothers / friends. he feels relaxed when he interacts with his dad, and they hang out together and go crazy and have fun together. chenle also retold the bike story from 201104.
- chenle's dad wants to interact with him every day but he's afraid of interrupting chenle so instead, he would ask chenle's mom to talk to chenle whenever he wants to ask things to chenle because chenle's mom loves disturbing / interrupting chenle
- chenle thinks all parents are like that, they are just afraid to interrupt your life so they hold it in even though they actually care about you. this is why chenle thinks we should take the initiative of talking to our parents first.
- chenle wants to watch "flipped" because he has a "teenage girl heart" aka he likes girly things
- chenle is very timid when it comes to watching horror movies. he would cover the whole screen with a pillow and only watch from a small corner that isn't covered by the pillow.
- chenle prefers not knowing the time of his death because there is beauty in the unknown, and he thinks that after knowing the end, the things that happen in between will change a lot too (because knowing the end would affect with decision-making, etc) so he prefers not to know.
- one thing chenle must have in life is to have his own family. he found out that a lot of people around him don't want to get married and have children, but he personally really wants to.
- chenle's song rec: dancing in the rain - nct u
FRIDAY, 201211
- daily program & topic : idol diary
- there are many things chenle can do when he's at home. today, before he came to radio, he drank some tea and put on some nice music like candle light by nct dream. he finds it as a very relaxing and pleasant "me time". he said we can also exercise or watch movies at home.
- chenle is really close with several seventeen members like junhui (jun) and minghao (the8) and he hopes they can guest star on akdong seoul one day.
- chenle thinks seventeen's choreography is very synchronized compared to nct
- chenle thinks he isn't very mature yet, and that he wouldn't know because it would be up to other people to judge. but he thinks he needs to be more mature. he's actually pretty curious about how he would look like in 10 years.
- chenle says he doesn't usually talk in award shows because he lets the other members who are better at talking / have better, more eloquent words to speak
- chenle thinks boa is amazing and he really respects her
- a lot of people have told chenle that he sounds more "fierce" when talking in chinese and sounds "nicer" when talking in korean. he thinks he sounds more cold and casual when speaking chinese but sounds cute speaking korean.
SATURDAY, 201212
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle has never done skiing but he wants to try it. he heard that it might be dangerous but if you ski properly and have a professional with you, it would be okay.
- chenle recently discovered a new bbq restaurant
- chenle quite like lauv's music
- chenle agrees that there are some songs that can be very healing when you feel unhappy. his mom told him that once, she was in a really bad mood and then she listened to a song and instantly felt better.
- chenle himself isn't the type of person who listens to music when he's in a bad mood. when he's annoyed, he would sleep because he thinks that doing anything when he's in a bad mood would make his mood go even worse. nonetheless, he still agrees that music is very magical when it comes to its ability to put people in a good mood. but he thinks that it doesn't have that effect on him when he's in a bad mood.
- when chenle has nothing to do in winter, he would stew a pot of chicken soup and leave it there. then he would wake up in the morning, and pour himself a bowl of chicken noodle soup. if not chicken noodle soup, then chicken porridge, or chicken soup with rice.
- chenle likes drinking soup in winter mornings because it makes his body feel warm and comfortable.
- chenle thinks this year, 2020, is the year he's changed most in his entire life. he was a different person from january to june, and then another person from july to november, and from november to now is the new him. his conditions and lifestyles changed.
- chenle's song rec: resonance - nct 2020
SUNDAY, 201213
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (incident that made me not know whether to laugh or cry)
- chenle was only ever afraid of one teacher. he was never scared of the scary teachers but he was actually afraid of the teacher that wasn't scary.
- chenle told a story about how one time, haechan accidentally sent a lot of texts to the nct dream group chat that has lee sooman in it. he was supposed to send it to the one with only the members but he accidentally sent it to the wrong gc. renjun then immediately called haechan and told him, "look at which group chat you sent the texts to". haechan got so shocked and deleted all the texts before lee sooman read them. chenle also told this story on 201022.
- one time, chenle, haechan, kun, and renjun watched tenet. he and haechan was so invested in the movie but when they looked over to kun, kun was already sleeping.
- chenle mentioned how ever since 2016, he hasn't cried. not only for movies, but ever. he still feels sad, but the tears just don't come out. he also talked about this in 201021.
- when during a dream stage someone farts, the members would look around and see who looks unnatural. chenle would still act natural even if it's him. but when they're all together and he farts, he would simply admit that it's him who farted.
- chenle thinks he might easily get into the wrong car because he's always on his phone. sometimes when he almost gets into the wrong car, the other members would pull him back. but if he opens the wrong car and there are other idols, he would simply say hello to them.
- chenle said that when he's performing at events outside of seoul, either other cities or overseas, it usually would rain.
- one time during practice, chenle's pants got teared. chenle thought it would be cool if it got teared during the actual performance instead because it would show his dedication and effort.

december 14, 2020 - december 20, 2020 highlights

MONDAY, 201214
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle seems really excited talking about themeteor shower the night before, he kept talking about how beautiful it was and how he's never been happier
- when chenle is scared of doing something, sometimes he would find excuses to not do it.
- when you're stressed, chenle suggests doing activities like meditating, drinking some tea and listening to music while drinking tea in the morning. and at night, he suggests lighting a candle and pouring yourself a glass of red wine. but he also said we have to find the best way for ourselves to destress, and don't just do stuff because chenle suggested.
- daily program & topic : music wave
- chenle said he hasn't tried making a curry dish before but his mom makes really good curry. he likes curry with chicken and curry with beef and potatoes.
- 2 days ago, it snowed in korea. when chenle first saw it, it was 7 in the morning and he hadn't slept yet. he was watching a movie and he looked outside and it was snowing heavily, so he went downstairs and welcomed the snow. he stood at the downstairs of his house and the snow was falling on his body, it was cold but it was comfortable and he was still so excited. he stood in the snow for very long. the cars were also covered in snow and he even took the snow down to feel it. he even took a lot of photos.
- chenle heard that if you sleep late at night, you'll lose hair. and he has been sleeping at 9:30 am recently. so he told everyone to anticipate his bald hairstyle in a year.
- when chenle was a student, his favorite day was friday, because on friday, you're going to rest soon and you still have two days to rest. saturday is also okay because you still have one day to rest. and he hated sundays the most because it's the last day to rest and you know you have to go to school the next day, so it's annoying. but once he's at school, it's not annoying anymore.
- chenle first watched the mv for taeyeon's "i" in 2016 when he was a trainee with lucas. when lucas showed him the mv he felt fascinated because he thought kpop songs were more dance songs and he didn't think there would be such a beautiful song.
- chenle likes all taeyeon songs
- there's a chinese saying 被上帝亲吻过的嗓子 which means "a voice that has been kissed by god" and it's used to describe someone with a nice voice. once chenle accidentally said "a voice that has been licked by god" and fans were joking saying "god said he didn't do that".
- chenle recommends a spanish film that he thinks is so so good, called "the invisible guest" ("contratiempo"), and he also recommends his favorite american sitcom, "friends". he said he loves the show so much and he has watched all episodes of all seasons several times and now that they're talking about it again, he will rewatch it again at home.
- chenle said that he is originally a lazy person who finds stuff like tidying his room and putting away things tiresome. but recently, it's been his hobby to clean and decorate his house. because when i does it all, he feels good and he gets a satisfied, 'this is my doing' kind of feeling.
- chenle's song rec: puzzle piece - nct dream
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (busan)
- chenle once went to the shangri-la hotel at the yunnan province (which was at a very high altitude) for three days. on the first day he felt fine, and he could run around and go up and down the hill just fine, but when he returned to the hotel, when he was on his way to the toilet, he suddenly felt dizzy.
- when chenle went to california, usa to film the "go" mv, he had 10 nosebleeds within 4 days. the worst one didn't stop for 10 minutes. he was in the middle of filming the mv, jumping and dancing around, when suddenly he got a nosebleed and had to sit at the side and kept wiping his nose.
- chenle doesn't really like crowded places / places with a lot of people
- chenle once took the sightseeing train in argentina in 2014 with his mom and he remembers it being really pretty.
- chenle still remembers a lot of things from when he was young, from as far back as 2012 and even 2009
- chenle went to the hong kong's ocean park once and took the cable car, the one where the bottom is open. his aunt was really scared but he was still jumping around.
THURSDAY, 201217
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (the invisible guest; the wailing)
- chenle just watched "the invisible guest" recently at his house with his friend.
- chenle has been wanting to watch that movie again because he usually watches movies before he sleeps, but there is one particular scene in the movie that he thinks is very scary so he hasn't been able to rewatch it
- chenle really enjoys movies like "the invisible guest" because you need to remember the little details in it
- in the context of a movie, chenle isn't scared of things like psychopaths or psychotic killers, but he is more scared of the paranormal / supernatural things like ghosts.
FRIDAY, 201218
- daily program & topic : idol diary (idols who charted overseas)
- when chenle was still in school, he used to have trouble getting out of bed in winter mornings. one, because it was too cold. two, because he was too lazy to go to school. and three, because he didn't want to.
- chenle doesn't feel stressed when he preparing for year-end award shows
- chenle said that nct mingle around with other idols that they're familiar with backstage
- chenle thinks tvxq's presence is really good and he once watched a tvxq concert and the atmosphere was impressive especially yunho (u-know)'s passion was nothing to compare, and it really inspired the juniors
- chenle said he has to wake up so early every day
- chenle watches all of super junior's variety shows because they’re too funny and makes him laugh a lot when watching them
- chenle said in 15 years nct will probably have 100 members and it will actually become a city
- chenle kept reading his script in one breath and he mentioned that he is able to do this because when he was young, he starred in a musical and there was a part where he had to run while singing. it was hard but he kept practicing, and it turned out fine.
- chenle really likes lady gaga's "poker face" and he found out about her from that song. he found out about her while he was still in school and he didn't really care about things other than studying but she was so popular that even he knew about her.
- chenle feels that everyone knows who he wants to spend his new years with so he tells us to just look it up online
- chenle's song rec: 音乐爱我 - 常石磊
SATURDAY, 201219
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle first found out about the meteor shower from his friend. he was watching a movie, and then he got a text from his friend and he immediately ran downstairs to see it. he finds it so pretty and he is extremely happy that his phone was able to take such beautiful pictures.
- a fan dedicated a song for single fans and le-d but worded it as "single le-d" or le-d who is single and chenle said, "tsk... this is also not wrong"
- whenever chenle attends someone's wedding, he finds it really amazing
- chuyuan once asked chenle about what age chenle wants to get married. chenle answered, "when he finds the right person." chenle said he doesn't like plans, because plans can't keep up with changes. there should be rough outlines, but specific plans are useless. chenle said that when you've planned, you'll have a lot of pressure.
- chenle remembers playing a piano piece titled "love story" at his brother's wedding but he remembers not playing it well.
- chenle's song rec #1: fly love - jamie foxx. chenle said that this is a song from a cartoon movie about birds' love story (rio) and you can listen to it while walking on a snowy road. there's so much atmosphere and it is perfect.
- chenle has a brother who is 13 years older than him, so unlike siblings who fight with their siblings, his brother always let him have everything and his really good to him. he takes really good care of chenle but when it comes to things that need to be taught, he would still teach chenle strictly.
- chenle has a good relationship with his cousin. when he was young he used to play basketball with his cousin but because his cousin was older than him, he would always lose and he would get angry and cry.
- chenle said that when it comes to games, there is no friendship, relative, or love. during games, you must get rid of everything else.
- chenle thinks it's not bad to read a diary. when you look through it again in the future, you can see what you did on this day, or on that day. even if you forget, you can read it again and go, "oh, i did this!" so he finds it quite meaningful.
- when chenle was young, during the holidays his parents would take him to travel anywhere, whether it be short trips to suzhou or sanya, or long trips overseas. but now he doesn't have a chance to go traveling with them, so now they go traveling on their own but they would still video call chenle every day. they would say "ah, we went somewhere." and chenle would go, "ah, they've abandoned me to go somewhere again!" chuyuan said that it's fitting for chenle to have a diary during these times and chenle agreed saying that the book will be filled with complaints.
- CHENLE: "3 years ago i was the king of pushups, we used to have a specialised pushup class. when i came to korea it was my first time taking physical classes. before coming to korea, though i was agile and had good coordination, my strength was bad and i would have no strength after 3 proper pushups. after i came here i was made to do 8 counts in my first lesson, 1 set had 2 counts of 8, you had to do 8 sets of 8, and do 20 rly fast. that time i was tired after 3 simple ones, you ask me to do this, the teacher was really strict, if you collapsed, you have to restart, the others have to restart too. after doing it you still have to plank for 1 min. so our stamina was all quite good, but now i don't train anymore so it's all gone. we had to plank for an entire song back then!" (translated by 1122ZCL)
- chenle's song rec #2: i.o.u - nct u. chenle thinks this song is suitable for christmas and winter
SUNDAY, 201220
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (incident that made me not know whether to laugh or cry)
- when chenle was in elementary school, he had 2 really good friends. the 3 of them were inseparable. one day, one of them didn't like the other and told chenle about it. so chenle tried to fix the friendship, he comforted them and let them be friends again. but then at the end, the ended up being closer to each other than chenle was to them. chenle then said he shouldn't have helped them that much.
- chenle said he gets jealous easily / a lot
- if chenle fell in front of his crush, he would immediately pretend to faint. because instead of laughing at him, his crush would then be worried for him instead.
- when going on vacations, chenle has more of a "holiday style", aka he prefers to lie down at the hotel. chenle argues that every hotel his different and the sceneries are different.
- if chenle travels to a new place, he would need an itinerary, but if it's a place he's been to, he would travel wherever he likes / freestyle
- chenle went to new zealand in 2015 and he thought the scenery was really pretty and the milk delicious
- chenle said europe is really pretty, including germany and austria
- chenle wants to go to finland the most because it's the home of santa claus, and if you go in the winter you can see aurora borealis
- chenle retold the story of the bicycle accident that happened with his dad (from 201104 and 201210) where he was riding a bike with his dad and their bike got stuck in a ditch and the bike flipped and chenle flew out. then his father fell and broke his ribcage, but chenle was completely fine. he then added that that was the first day his mom went on holiday with her friends. when they video called her that night, she sighed and said "i'm raising two babies, an old one and a young one."
- when chenle was young, he played football with his cousin and there was a telephone stand shaped like a fish. he hit his head on the tail and now he has a scar on his forehead from that accident.
- chenle once got a call from someone who started talking right after he picked up. that person ended up being haechan. chenle said haechan changes his number the most and he got lazy of saving haechan's numbers.

december 21, 2020 - december 27, 2020 highlights

- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle didn't put on any makeup for today's viewable radio !!!
- chenle used to be tazy to do anything. he had the mindset that "it's my house so it's fine if i can live with it" but now he likes to decorate his house and live joyfully. he also likes to clean now so he feels like he's changed a lot.
- chenle already prerecorded the wednesday program with lanlan where they talk about germany and they were too hyped and talked too much so he feels bad for pd jiejie who will be editing the episode (he feels bad for 3 seconds)
- chenle has sent a letter to akdong seoul before and at the end of the letter he put "i am chenle", and his letter ended up getting read (the one about stephen curry on 201031)
- chenle usually tells everything to his dad and the only reason why he doesn't tell everything to his mom is because he's going to have to listen to her nagging him.
- if chenle injured his leg, he would gladly video call his parents and tell them and show them that he injured his leg.
- chenle thinks losing weight is hard because you have to control your appetite. he believes that it doesn't matter if you exercise or not. you can get slimmer by not eating. if he wants to lose weight, he only needs 2 days by eating one meal a day.
- chenle thinks that if you don't tell things to your parents in fear of making them worried, they'll just be as worried. if you tell them, they'll be worried but they can help you, but if you don't tell them, they'll be worrying in vain and will be even more worried.
TUESDAY, 201222
- daily program & topic : music wave
- chenle said that everyone has different lifestyles. having a lot of friends is good, but not wanting to socialize / make friends and just staying at home is also comfortable. the most important thing is that you're comfortable.
- one word chenle would use to describe his 2020 is "change". this year he changed a lot. his lifestyle, his condition, his thinking process / state of mind, and his thoughts all changed. the only thing that didn't change is his crazy personality.
- chenle really likes baekhyun's voice because it's really special and really comfortable to listen to. it's so good that he can't even find words to describe it.
- not only great at singing, chenle also thinks baekhyun is great at variety shows and is really funny
- chenle's song rec #1: kick it - nct 127
- chenle's song rec #2: legends are made - sam tinnesz
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (germany)
- the first city chenle went to in germany is frankfurt. chenle has a good impression of frankfurt because his mother bought him shoes there
- chenle bought two shoes in germany
- chenle can only think of one person when they mentioned the city munich, and that person is renjun. it's because chenle thinks renjun would enjoy that kind of atmosphere. chenle also said that when the pandemic is over, he wants to take renjun there and play.
- chenle wants to bring renjun to the german beer festival
- when chenle went to argentina, he met friends. they were really close he and exchanged contact info with them. they contacted each other for nearly a year, but they aren't in contact with each other now and he doesn't have their contact anymore.
- chenle likes soccer. chenle is the best in a soccer game with the bayern munchen / bayern munich team. he's also the best soccer game player in nct. he went to the 127 dorm and won all the games.
- chenle has never been to the neuschwanstein castle but he thinks it must be really pretty
THURSDAY, 201224
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (a christmas carol; the polar express)
- chenle watched 'a christmas carol' when he was small and he remembers he watched that movie when he was having a fever
- chenle's parents never hung socks over the fireplace and put in gifts inside
- chenle feels that 'a christmas carol' and 'the polar express' are very suitable to watch at the cinemas / on the big screen
- chenle's song rec: 90's love - nct u
FRIDAY, 201225
- daily program & topic : idol diary (the idol you want to countdown to new year with the most)
- chenle said that back then when they held a concert somewhere, fans from around the world can't join but now with online concerts they can because they can just turn on their phones.
- chenle prefers physical concerts over online concerts because of the atmosphere
- chenle doesn't have a bucket list and he just lets things happen / accepts it. if there is something he wants, he'll just work hard to achieve it but he doesn't necessarily have a bucket list
- chenle thinks his biggest gain this year is experience. chenle got to experience many new ways of living and thinking.
- chenle thinks kun is really kind because no matter how much chenle bullies him, he never gets angry. but he won't bully kun on his birthday, he'll let him be happy.
- chenle said that junhui (jun from seventeen) likes to joke around. just like chenle, he's gentle and kind but he likes to play jokes. everytime they meet they will always joke around with each other and they'd be extremely noisy.
- when the year ends, chenle feels kind of empty and sad because he can't bear it being over, the same way you feel empty after finishing a tv show.
- when chenle just started radio, people would accidentally call him ren-d. in return, he'd call the guest djs another name / a wrong name for an entire program.
- no matter how you treat chenle, chenle will accept it because he understands that there's a reason behind it, but he remembers small grudges because they're fun.
- chenle thinks that ticketing / getting tickets for a concert is so hard, he tried byuing tickets for his mother once and didn't get it. even as someone who's holding the concert, he couldn't get it.
- chenle said exo's concert atmosphere is really good.
SATURDAY, 201226
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle has never watched any of the frozen movies
- chenle has been thinking about doing double eyelid surgery a lot because chenle feels like sometimes having double eyelids is good. a lot of members have double eyelids since they were young and their eyes are extremely big. chenle said that single eyelids make chenle's eyes look small when actually his eyes are big too. but chuyuan convinced him that having single eyelids is his unique point so chenle decided not to do surgery after all.
- chenle's favorite lyrics from dear dream is "이거 하나만 잊지 마, 아주 먼 어느 밤, 너를 위로할 별 하나, 아마 나일 거야 (just don’t forget this, one night far from now, there will be a star that will lift your spirits, that star will be me)
- chenle said that concerts are really meaningful because when he's physically tired during a concert, his mental energy / mental strength is still holding on because of seeing the fans' support.
- a song that brings back memories is nct dream's 'candle light' because it was supposed to be mark's graduation song and this was supposed to be the last song they did as 7dream. it is the only song that can make chenle feel emotional because when he listens to the song, he will remember moments like when they filmed the mv together and the set of the mv. chenle thinks this song os full of their memories.
- chenle's song rec: try everything - shakira
SUNDAY, 201227
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (my 2020)
- chenle complimented kun for his talent in composing songs and said that he would love to sing kun's songs if given the chance
- kun said that in 2020 chenle changed a lot. the beginning of the year, middle of the year, and end of the year chenles are all different.
- chenle thinks that if there was no pandemic, things would be very different now, and 2020 would have been absolutely fantastic. kun added that they might have been very busy preparing various stages and meeting fans, and chenle said they might've held a lot of concerts.
- chenle feels that when you go overseas to study, it's pretty challenging, and he said that nct foreign members are also like studying overseas.
- mark said he wishes to go back to the time when chenle didn't know korean because now chenle can joke around in korean. kun said chenle was cuter when he didn't know korean.
- chenle misses his parents most when the topic of parents is brought up on radio. when listeners send in letters that remind him of his parents, he would think about how he's like with his parents.
- the best thing that happened to chenle in 2020 is that he's starting to live less carelessly. he used to do whatever he was told without caring about anything or knowing anything. but now he feels that he has a requirement for his life and career, or a way of thinking / outline of things he wants to do. chenle has now found what he wants to do. kun said that this is a sign of growth.
- chenle said that the beautiful things that happened this year for him are a compilation of a lot of small ones. there are two things. one of them is when he saw snow early in the morning and immediately rushed downstairs to feel the snow and take pictures. it was cold but it was very comfortable, the feeling of snow falling on your body makes you feel the beauty of winter. another one is being able to see the meteor shower for the first time in his life.
- the time chenle wants to go back to is kindergarten and middle school. kindergarten because in kindergarten, he played every day and was carefree. now that he's older there's a lot of things to think about. middle school because back then his grades were the best and he had a good relationship with his class.
- chenle is pretty satisfied with himself this year, not fully, but he's satisfied with the fact that he has grown.
- chenle regrets not writing a diary earlier because of his laziness, and now he lost a lot of memories and can't remember a lot of things. if only he wrote one, he would've been able to flip through it and remember what he's done. chenle often goes through old photos and remembers his past.
- chenle thinks that being lazy is the biggest problem for everyone nowadays, including chenle. chenle admits that he's extremely lazy but he acknowledges that some things need to be done. since you (the listener) are going to have exams, then you have to prepare and overcome the laziness.
- chenle thinks that you don't need to do absolutely everything and go up and down to be happy, you can also be happy going steadily. the most important thing is to be healthy and happy.

december 28, 2020 - january 3, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 201228
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle was supposed to study at switzerland for middle school but at the same time sm entertainment contacted his mom so he went to korea to become a trainee instead
- the biggest takeaway chenle got from 2020 is that he used to be afraid of being alone, but now he enjoys being alone and staying at home alone. he also said that no matter the situation, we have to learn to enjoy it.
- chenle said that if you feel tired because of work, you need to set new goals for yourself. for example, when they release a new album, he needs to sign a lot of albums, so he sets a goal to finish signing all the albums faster than last time. if he succeeds, he would feel satisfied with himself. he also competes with the members when doing this.
- when chenle faces sleeping troubles and he doesn't have work the next day, he would simply not sleep. but if he has work the next day, he would think about how tired he would be the next day so he would try his best to sleep.
- chenle said that if you feel insecure because there are people better than you at something, you have to change your mindset because there will always be people who are better than you. so instead of comparing yourself to other people, it's better to learn from them. when you compare, you'll never be better than them so just learn from them. (more descriptive quote on the quotes section)
- chenle said that if you don't do well on your exam this time, your life isn't over and it won't be that big of a deal because it's just a small wave in your entire lifetime. (more descriptive quote on the quotes section)
- chenle and mark has a common interest which is stephen curry
- chenle is someone who can't hide his happiness, but can hide his sadness because he doesn't like crying in front of other people.
- chenle said that some people are expressive, while some don't really express their emotions. both are okay because there's no right or wrong as long as you don't regret it.
- guozhen said that for boys / guys, after breaking up they usually initially feel happy. chenle replied saying "who told you that guys are like that?"
- chenle has never watched harry potter
- daily program & topic : music wave
- CHENLE BROUGHT DAEGAL TO THE RADIO TODAY !!!!!! and the reason why chenle kept looking out and smiling is because he was watching pd jiejie, writer jiejie, and jinyong all showering the little puppy with love
- when chenle first saw the meteor shower, his first wish was for all of his family members and the people around him to be healthy because health is the most important thing
- chenle only gave a christmas gift to mark this year. he gave mark a pair of curry 8 shoes as a surprise christmas gift.
- chenle said that music groups/bands who have been together since young, are like family because they grow up, work hard, struggle, and live together so they’re definitely very united and are really like family members. and it's fine even if they have conflicts because all families have conflicts too. (more descriptive quote on the quote section)
- chenle said he really likes ed sheeran's 'perfect' and that ed sheeran has a lot of nice songs
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (germany)
- lanlan said that heidelberg castle is a beautiful castle that feels very romantic. chenle said that it depends on who you go there with, if it's with the right person then anywhere would feel romantic
- chenle was shocked to find out that a large wine vat in the cellars of heidelberg castle has a capacity of 220k+ litres
- chenle was shocked to find out finneas is billie eilish's brother
- the last time chenle went to germany, it was convenient because his mom had a friend in germany who guided them. chenle continued saying that it's move convenient to have a local friend when traveling overseas so we have to interact more and make more friends.
- chenle visited bremer when he went to germany
- chenle recommended us to buy suitcases in germany instead of bringing empty suitcases from home because it's a lot more efficient and germany produces good quality suitcases that are cheap
- chenle's mom loves buying refrigerator magnets when going abroad. she once bought a tiny box made out of tangerine peels and it smells like tangerine when you open it.
- chenle's song rec: someone you loved - conor maynard
THURSDAY, 201231
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (the green book (?))
- chenle can only meet his nephew zhong yixin once a year. yixin can now say "mom", "dad", and even "grandpa". chenle is looking forward to the day he can say "uncle"! there's a video of him on the family group chat every day.
- chenle hasn't been to his hometown in china in almost a year. he wants to go back and eat well. the last time he went home to china for 4 days, he ate so much that he gained 8kg when he returned.
- 'the green book' is chenle's most favorite movie